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FAQs: FEP Tubing

Jan 4, 2024 by IDEX Health & Science

the basics of FEP tubing


What is FEP Tubing?

FEP tubing (Fluoroethylenepropylen) is made with a fluorinated ethylene-propylene material. FEP tubing is a copolymer of TFE and can be transparent or in multiple colors for easy identification. It was developed as an alternative to PTFE tubing, which has limitations.

FEP Tubing Colors

What is FEP Tubing Used For?

FEP tubing is a great inexpensive alternative for applications that need chemical resistance and large temperature exposure including biopharmaceutical, and laboratory applications, and it’s also ideal for low-pressure applications.

What is the Difference Between PTFE and FEP Tubing?

FEP tubing is essentially the melt-processable version of PTFE tubing. While FEP has similar properties to PTFE, it has a lower maximum operating temperature of +200°C. The main benefit of using FEP tubing is that it can be more easily cut and formed.

Is FEP Tubing Flexible?

FEP tubing can be easily cut, formed, and re-molded. Its flexibility and compatibility with push-to-connect fittings also make it easy to install.

FEP tubing collection

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