Fluidics FAQs

Here we have provided comprehensive lists of commonly asked questions regarding our fluidics products and related applications. This information is designed to support your inquiries, but if you don’t find the answers you are looking for we encourage you to contact us for further assistance.

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Is there an easy way to filter my solvent path while using capillary or fused silica tubing?

IDEX Health & Science has created the Precolumn MicroFilter, the Inline MicroFilter and the Mini MicroFilter specifically for this purpose. Most of our MicroFilters utilize our MicroTight tubing sleeves along with two Micro-Fingertight fittings to accommodate most sizes of capillary or fused silica tubing. Two versions of our mini MicroFilter directly connect 360-380µm OD capillary tubing without the use of tubing sleeves.

The Precolumn and Inline MicroFilters retain particles larger than 0.5µm flowing through capillary tubing, with the use of a built-in 0.5µm PEEK frit. Capable of holding 5,000 psi of continuous pressure, these filters can be used in either high-pressure or low-pressure environments. The Precolumn MicroFilter has 10-32 male threads and is designed for direct-connecting into your microbore or other column. The Inline MicroFilter utilizes 6-32 threads for use with our Micro Fingertight fittings.

The Mini MicroFilter contains a thin stainless steel microscreen that offers a dramatic reduction in theoretical void volume, at only .085 microliters (includes frit volume). This filter is available with 1- and 2-micron porosity replaceable filter capsules, and employs a combination of a female nut and a specifically designed ferrule.