
Company Information

To place orders with a tax exempt status, we will need a copy of your exemption certificate. Please send your tax exempt certificate to Our customer service team will review your accreditations and let you know via email when your web account is granted access to tax exempt orders. Until then, your account will be inactive. Enjoy browsing our webstore and access to optofluidic resources. Thank you.

User Information

(at least 8 characters, 1 upper and 1 lower case letter and 1 number with no special characters)

Billing Address

Invalid ZIP code format; format should be either 12345 or 12345-6789. *Required

Shipping Address

Invalid ZIP code format; format should be either 12345 or 12345-6789. *Required
Captcha text
New code
*Required Invalid captcha code

Registration Completed!

Your account has been created successfully. For security reasons, this account is inactive. Your account has been created successfully. For security reasons, this account is locked out.