Semrock cubes


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IDEX Health & Science stocks filter cubes used in fluorescence microscope platforms from the major microscope manufacturers, including Leica Microsystems, Nikon Instruments, Olympus Corp., and Zeiss Microscopy. Our super-resolution filter cubes set the new standard for laser-based microscopes and are optimized for mounting half-wave flatness, 1 mm thick super-resolution dichroic beam-splitters. Whether you order a custom or catalog filter set, complimentary filter mounting into the filter cube of your choice is performed by the certified... More Information >
IDEX Health & Science stocks filter cubes used in fluorescence microscope platforms from the... More Information >
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Designed for mounting 25.2 x 35.6 x 1.0 to 2.0 mm beamsplitters in laboratory bench-top setups
Compatible microscopes: Axio Imager, Axiostar Plus, Axioskop 40, Axioskop 2 (post-2001), Axioplan 2i, Axioplan 2ie, Axiovert 200, Axiovert 40, Axio Observer, Axio Examiner and Axio Scope A1
Designed for holding 25.2 x 35.6 x 1.0 to 2.0 mm filters on rotation stages or in laboratory bench-top setups
Compatible microscopes: AX70, BX, BX41, BX50, BX51, BX60, BX61, BX50/51WI, BX60/61WI, IX50, IX51, IX70, IX71, IX81
Compatible microscopes: E200, E400, E600, E800, E1000, TS100, TS100F, TE200, TE300, ME600L, L150A, and some Labophot, Optiphot, and Diaphot series
Compatible microscopes: TE 2000, 50i, 55i, 80i, 90i, Eclipse Ti, Ni, and Ci series, and any using the Epi-fluor Illuminator
Compatible microscopes: IX53 Series - IX53, IX73, & IX83
Requires a 32mm emitter & exciter and 32x44mm dichroic beamsplitter.

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