This long-pass set is designed to take advantage of the superior resolution, sensitivity, and image fidelity of today's state-of-the-art laser-based microscopes. The filter spectra are optimized to capture the maximum fluorescence from GFP, FITC, and other similar fluorophores while offering superb blocking of popular 473 nm (solid-state) or 488 nm (Ar-ion gas and solid-state) lasers. The dichroic offers industry-leading 1λ P-V RWE for minimal focus shift and aberrations of the laser beam spot up to 10 mm diameter to enable popular imaging and Super-Resolution techniques including TIRF, PALM, STORM, and Structured-Illumination.
Loose and cube mounted filter sets are certified to deliver dichroic flatness <= 1λ P-V RWE @ 632.8 nm.
Looking for this filter set in one of the following cubes: NQF, LDMK or LDMP?
Our previous version is still available for those cube configurations LF488/LP-C
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Laser Wavelength 1 (high) | 491 nm |
Laser Wavelength 1 (low) | 473 nm |
Laser Wavelength 2 | 488 nm |
FL-004712 / 0
FL-007080 / 0
FL-008552 / 0
1 of 1
This set is mounted in an Evident Scientific (Olympus) OMF Fluorescence Filter Holder, which is compatible with the AX (AX70), BX2 (BX41, BX50, BX51, BX60, BX61, BX50/51WI, BX60/61WI), and IX2 Series (IX50, IX51, IX70, IX71, IX81) of Evident Scientific (Olympus) microscopes.
Filter Role | Filter Size | Maximum Thickness |
Exciter (Diameter) | 25.0 mm | 5.0 mm |
Emitter (Diameter) | 25.0 mm | 5.0 mm |
Dichroic (L × W) | 26 mm x 38 mm | 1.5 mm |
Fluorophore | Peak Excitation Wavelength(nm) | Peak Emission Wavelength(nm) | Compatibility | Display on Plot above |
5-carboxy-2,7-dichlorofluorescein | 500 | 525 |
5-FAM (5-carboxyfluorescein) | 492 | 518 |
6-carboxyrhodamine 6G | 525 | 555 |
7-AAD (7-aminoactinomycin D) | 548 | 648 |
Acridine Orange (+DNA) | 502 | 526 |
Acridine Orange (+RNA) | 460 | 650 |
Alexa Fluor® 430 | 431 | 541 |
Alexa Fluor® 488 | 499 | 520 |
Alexa Fluor® 500 | 503 | 525 |
AmCyan1 | 458 | 489 |
ATTO 488 | 500 | 525 |
ATTO 495 | 495 | 527 |
BCECF (pH 5.5) | 481 | 518 |
BCECF (pH 9.0) | 502 | 528 |
BODIPY FL | 505 | 512 |
BODIPY FL-MeOH | 502 | 511 |
Calcein | 494 | 514 |
Calcium Green-1 | 507 | 529 |
CFP2 | 490 | 510 |
Cy2™ | 492 | 507 |
CyQUANT GR-DNA | 502 | 523 |
DAF-FM-NO | 495 | 519 |
Dendra2 (Green) | 491 | 507 |
Dendra2 (Red) | 554 | 569 |
Di-8-ANEPPS | 467 | 631 |
DiA | 457 | 586 |
DiO | 475 | 500 |
Dronpa | 502 | 516 |
DsRed-Express | 556 | 584 |
DY-505-Phalloidin | 503 | 530 |
ecliptic pHluorin pH5.5 | 473 | 507 |
Emerald | 491 | 511 |
Ethidium bromide | 518 | 603 |
Ethidium homodimer | 527 | 617 |
FITC (Fluorescein) | 495 | 519 |
FlAsH-CCPFCC | 511 | 530 |
Fluo-3 | 506 | 527 |
Fluo-4 | 494 | 516 |
Fluorescein dextran | 501 | 524 |
Fluorescein-pH 8.0 | 489 | 517 |
Fluoro-Emerald | 494 | 518 |
FluoSpheres Yellow-Green fluorescent microspheres | 503 | 514 |
FM 1-43 | 473 | 579 |
FM 4-64 | 505 | 725 |
GFP (EGFP) | 489 | 511 |
Green 496 | 496 | 520 |
Green 500 | 501 | 524 |
HCS LipidTOX Green neutral lipid stain | 498 | 507 |
HCS LipidTOX Green phospholipidosis | 504 | 536 |
HiLyte Fluor™ 488 | 497 | 526 |
JC-1 | 499 | 525 |
LDS 751 | 560 | 711 |
LIVE-DEAD Fixable Green Dead Cell Stain | 498 | 525 |
LysoSensor Green | 448 | 502 |
LysoTracker Green | 501 | 509 |
LysoTracker Yellow HCK-123 | 488 | 565 |
Magnesium Green | 507 | 531 |
mHoneyDew | 478 | 562 |
MitoTracker™ Green | 490 | 512 |
mWasabi | 493 | 509 |
NBD-X (MeOH) | 467 | 538 |
NeuroTrace 500/525 Green Fluorescent Nissl Stain | 495 | 524 |
Nile red-triglyceride | 510 | 583 |
OFP | 547 | 567 |
Oregon Green™ 488 | 498 | 526 |
Oregon Green™ 514 | 513 | 532 |
PerCP | 490 | 677 |
PicoGreen® | 502 | 522 |
PKH67 | 488 | 500 |
Propidium Iodide (PI) | 305 | 617 |
Qdot® 525 Nanocrystals | 300 | 525 |
Qdot® 545 Nanocrystals | 300 | 543 |
Qdot® 565 Nanocrystals | 300 | 564 |
Qdot® 585 Nanocrystals | 300 | 588 |
Qdot® 605 Nanocrystals | 300 | 602 |
Qdot® 625 Nanocrystals | 300 | 621 |
Qdot® 655 Nanocrystals | 300 | 654 |
Qdot® 705 Nanocrystals | 300 | 702 |
Qdot® 800 Nanocrystals | 300 | 792 |
ratiometric pHluorin pH5 | 500 | 509 |
Rhodamine 110 | 497 | 519 |
Rhodamine 123 | 507 | 529 |
Rhodamine Green | 497 | 523 |
Rhodol Green | 497 | 524 |
R-phycoerythrin (PE) | 565 | 576 |
rsGFP (red shifted GFP, S65T) | 498 | 516 |
sgGFP™ (super glow GFP) | 472 | 506 |
SNARF-1 488nm (ph 6.0) | 548 | 586 |
SNARF-1 514nm (ph 6.0) | 549 | 587 |
Sodium Green | 507 | 532 |
SpectrumGreen | 497 | 538 |
SYBR Gold nucleic acid gel stain-DNA | 496 | 539 |
SYBR Green I nucleic acid gel stain-DNA | 498 | 522 |
SYBR Safe DNA gel stain-DNA | 509 | 526 |
SYPRO Ruby protein gel stain | 469 | 631 |
SYTO 11 | 506 | 525 |
SYTO 13 | 448 | 506 |
SYTO 16 | 489 | 520 |
SYTO 9 | 483 | 500 |
SYTO RNASelect geen fluorescent cell stain | 503 | 527 |
SYTOX Green-DNA | 504 | 524 |
TO-PRO-1 | 515 | 531 |
TOTO-1 | 514 | 531 |
TurboGFP | 482 | 503 |
Vybrant DyeCycle Green | 506 | 534 |
Vybrant DyeCycle Orange | 519 | 563 |
wtGFP (wild type GFP, non-UV excitation) | 474 | 509 |
YO-PRO-1 | 491 | 506 |
YOYO-1 | 491 | 508 |
Topic | Description |
Cleaning Optical Filters | Instructions for cleaning hard coated optical filters |
Filter Reliability | Compares the performance and reliability of hard coated filters to traditional soft-coated filters and provides information about the testing standards for Semrock filters |
Working with Optical Density | Tables to describe the relationship between OD and transmission with tips for quickly calculating OD |
What is Pixel Shift, and how does the Semrock ZERO™ option help? | Why Pixel Shift degrades multicolor fluorescence imaging performance, and how the ZERO™ option mitigates this for Avant and BrightLine filter sets. |
FL-004712 / 0
FL-007080 / 0
FL-008552 / 0