BrightLine® image-splitting dichroic beamsplitters offer superb image quality for both transmitted and reflected light when separating beams of light by color for simultaneous capture of multi-color images. For applications such as (FRET) and real-time live-cell imaging, users can now separate two, four or even more colors onto as many cameras or regions of a single camera sensor. The exceptional flatness of these filters virtually eliminates aberrations in the reflected beam for most common imaging systems.
Semrock's image-splitting dichroics for super-resolution microscopy deliver industry-leading λ/5 P-V RWE on 3 mm thick substrates for minimal focus shift and optical wavefront aberrations of the reflected imaging beam. These dichroics can be used with much larger diameter imaging beams up to 37 mm while minimizing RWE in custom size versions.
Common Fluorophore Pair to Split: TxRed/Cy5
FF662-FDi01 image-splitting dichroic beamsplitter for standard micrscopy available on 1 mm substrate for reflecting imaging beams up to 10 mm in diameter while minimizing RWE