Topic | Description |
Cleaning Optical Filters | Instructions for cleaning hard coated optical filters |
Cube Assembly Instructions | PDF and video instruction for installing filters into popular filter cubes |
Filter Reliability | Compares the performance and reliability of hard coated filters to traditional soft-coated filters and provides information about the testing standards for Semrock filters |
Flatness of Dichroic Beamsplitters | Describes the impact of non-flat dichroic beamsplitters on microscope image fidelity |
Measuring Light with Wavelengths & Wavenumbers | Compares units of wavelength to wavenumbers and provides formulas for calculating wavenumber shift |
Measurement of Optical Filters | Describes the problems encountered when measuring optical filter spectra with commercially available spectrophotometers |
Laser Damage Threshold | Provides information for calculating laser damage threshold for pulsed and continuous wave lasers |
Tunable Bandpass Filters | Compares the spectral response of tunable bandpass filters to traditional filter spectra at non-normal angles of incidence |