BrightLine® long-pass filter set, optimized for DAPI and other like fluorophores

Semrock Part Number: DAPI-50LP-A-NQF

IDEX Part Number: S-000187  /


This unique "flamethrower" filter set is recommended for those special cases in which it is critical to achieve the highest brightness for the shortest possible exposure times, or for very low fluorophore concentrations. For most applications that require minimized photobleaching, we recommend our DAPI-11LP-A set. In all cases our filters are uniquely hard-coated, for "no burn-out" performance where it is most needed.

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  • Each
    US Domestic pricing – contact your local distributor for other currency list prices
  • Price Not Available.
  • 1,464.00 USD Each
    US Domestic pricing – contact your local distributor for other currency list prices
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FL-004661 / 0

Out of Stock Backordered In Stock
  • Tavg > 85% 352 – 402 nm
  • Center Wavelength of 377 nm and GMBW of 50 nm
  • FWHM of 53.8 nm


FL-007109 / 0

Out of Stock Backordered In Stock
  • Dichroic Beamsplitter with edge at 409 nm
  • Ravg > 98% 327 – 404 nm
  • Tavg > 93% 415 - 950 nm
  • Flatness / RWE: Standard Epi-fluorescence

Custom sizing delivery confirmed ARO (sizing fee applies).


FL-009097 / 0

Out of Stock Backordered In Stock
  • Filter with 50% edge at 415 nm
  • Tavg > 93% 417 – 1100 nm

1 of 1

This set is mounted in a Nikon NQF Quadfluor Fluorescence Filter Holder, which is compatible with Nikon microscopes E200, E400, E600, E800, E1000, TS100, TS100F, TE 200, TE 300, ME600L, L150A, and some Labophot, Optiphot, and Diaphot series.

Filter Role Filter Size Maximum Thickness
Exciter (Diameter)25.0 mm5.0 mm
Emitter (Diameter)25.0 mm3.5 mm
Dichroic (L × W)25.2 mm × 35.6 mm

1.1 mm
(Can accept a 2 mm dichroic)
Cleaning Optical FiltersInstructions for cleaning hard coated optical filters
Filter ReliabilityCompares the performance and reliability of hard coated filters to traditional soft-coated filters and provides information about the testing standards for Semrock filters
Working with Optical Density Tables to describe the relationship between OD and transmission with tips for quickly calculating OD
What is Pixel Shift, and how does the Semrock ZERO option help? Why Pixel Shift degrades multicolor fluorescence imaging performance, and how the ZERO™ option mitigates this for Avant and BrightLine filter sets.
Optimized – Filter set is specifically optimized for that fluorophore.
Compatible – Should result in nearly ideal performance in most situations.
Acceptable – Actual performance is dependent on specific experimental conditions.
Fluorophore Peak Excitation Wavelength(nm) Peak Emission Wavelength(nm) Compatibility Display on Plot above
1,8-ANS 372 477
4-methylumbelliferone 357 441
7-amino-4-methylcoumarin (AMC) 346 442
7-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin 360 442
Alexa Fluor® 350 343 441
Alexa Fluor® 405 401 422
Alexa Fluor® 430 431 541
AMCA (Aminomethylcoumarin) 350 448
ATTO 390 392 477
BD Horizon V450 406 449
BD Horizon V500 410 500
BFP (EBFP) 380 440
Calcofluor White 351 444
Cascade Blue™ 401 419
Cascade Yellow™ 399 549
CellTrace calcein violet 400 452
CellTracker Violet BMQC+GSH 406 526
ChlorophyllA 480 650
DAPI 359 461
Dapoxyl 373 579
DEAC 432 472
DiFMU-pH 9.0 358 450
DY-415 418 470
DyLight 350 351 434
DyLight 405 398 420
ER-Tracker™ Blue-White DPX 372 557
Fluoro-Gold™ 365 418
FluoSpheres Blue fluorescent microspheres 356 414
Fura Red™ (high pH) 572 657
Fura-2 (calcium bound) 336 505
Fura-2 (calcium free) 366 515
GFPuv 395 509
HiLyte Fluor™ 405 403 428
Hoechst 33258 352 455
Hoechst 33342 352 455
Hoechst 34580 392 440
Hypericin 600 603
indo-1 346 479
LIVE-DEAD Fixable Aqua Dead Cell Stain 367 526
LIVE-DEAD Fixable Blue Dead Cell Stain 343 441
LIVE-DEAD Fixable Violet Dead Cell Stain 403 455
Lucifer yellow 428 544
LysoSensor Blue 374 424
LysoTracker Blue 373 422
Marina Blue 363 461
mBBr+GSH 394 490
Pacific Blue™ 404 455
Pacific Orange 400 551
Qdot® 545 Nanocrystals 300 543
Qdot® 565 Nanocrystals 300 564
Qdot® 585 Nanocrystals 300 588
Qdot® 605 Nanocrystals 300 602
Qdot® 625 Nanocrystals 300 621
Qdot® 655 Nanocrystals 300 654
Qdot® 705 Nanocrystals 300 702
Qdot® 800 Nanocrystals 300 792
Quinine sulfate 349 461
sgBFP™ 387 451
Sirius 355 424
SpectrumBlue 405 449
SYPRO Ruby protein gel stain 469 631
TagBFP 402 457
ThiolTracker Violet+GSH 404 526
Vybrant DyeCycle Violet 369 437

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FL-004661 / 0

Out of Stock Backordered In Stock
  • Tavg > 85% 352 – 402 nm
  • Center Wavelength of 377 nm and GMBW of 50 nm
  • FWHM of 53.8 nm


FL-007109 / 0

Out of Stock Backordered In Stock
  • Dichroic Beamsplitter with edge at 409 nm
  • Ravg > 98% 327 – 404 nm
  • Tavg > 93% 415 - 950 nm
  • Flatness / RWE: Standard Epi-fluorescence

Custom sizing delivery confirmed ARO (sizing fee applies).


FL-009097 / 0

Out of Stock Backordered In Stock
  • Filter with 50% edge at 415 nm
  • Tavg > 93% 417 – 1100 nm

1 of 1

This set is mounted in a Nikon NQF Quadfluor Fluorescence Filter Holder, which is compatible with Nikon microscopes E200, E400, E600, E800, E1000, TS100, TS100F, TE 200, TE 300, ME600L, L150A, and some Labophot, Optiphot, and Diaphot series.

Filter Role Filter Size Maximum Thickness
Exciter (Diameter)25.0 mm5.0 mm
Emitter (Diameter)25.0 mm3.5 mm
Dichroic (L × W)25.2 mm × 35.6 mm

1.1 mm
(Can accept a 2 mm dichroic)
Cleaning Optical FiltersInstructions for cleaning hard coated optical filters
Filter ReliabilityCompares the performance and reliability of hard coated filters to traditional soft-coated filters and provides information about the testing standards for Semrock filters
Working with Optical Density Tables to describe the relationship between OD and transmission with tips for quickly calculating OD
What is Pixel Shift, and how does the Semrock ZERO option help? Why Pixel Shift degrades multicolor fluorescence imaging performance, and how the ZERO™ option mitigates this for Avant and BrightLine filter sets.